InterWinner and WinnerTrack

InterWinner is the most popular gamma spectroscopy acquisition and analysis program in the French and German nuclear industry. With well over 1,000 installations and licensees, InterWinner is popular all over the world! We can interface InterWinner to operate and control not only Itech Instruments hardware but also most all of our competitor’s spectroscopy electronics. The user interface is available in several languages.
InterWinner has acquisition, display and full analysis modes for germanium, NaI and CZT detectors for gamma spec and silicon detectors for alpha spectroscopy. We also provide licenses for spectrum analysis only and we support imported spectra from virtually all known manufacturers. The software operates under Windows. Please see the PDF data sheet for more details. Also see WinnerTrack for advanced quantitative analysis for customized geometries and in-situ field applications.
WinnerTrack is an easy to use but advanced and sophisticated efficiency calculation program for germanium detectors. WinnerTrack is used both in the laboratory and in the field to allow the set-up and storage of a variety of geometries, distances, shapes and materials.
The combination of InterWinner and WinnerTrack provides for the most modern and advanced efficiency calibration for the greatest number of special applications. WinnerTrack’s 3D display allows for customized set-ups such as close laboratory geometries and also a variety of in-situ measurements.