Specialist advice Radiation protection

Again and again, we experience that companies that just have a handling or activity permit according to §7 or §15 Radiation Protection Ordinance or want to apply are overwhelmed with the bureaucratic requirements and questions. TIK is here for you and covers a variety of services:
  • Teachings, training and education of employees
  • Permit applications and communication with the relevant supervisory authorities
  • Incident analyzes and safety concepts
  • Preparation of radiation protection instructions, source and dose databases as well as Operating Matters
  • Planning and determination of inventory requirement and application sizes
  • Advice to the management and the radiation protection officer
Due to our long work, we know the legal situation, the requirements and the operational issues that are not always easy to combine with them. In close contact with the supervisory authorities responsible for them, we discuss the optimal and legally compliant solution for their company after a thorough preliminary analysis. Your satisfaction as a company is our focus. If required, we also provide the external radiation protection officer or radiation protection representative. This procedure significantly relieves the management and convinces the supervisory authorities through competence and experience.
Just ask us directly for our services!