Itech-Instruments measuring electronics

Orion digital spectrometer
The Orion is the latest and most advanced product of its kind. A digital spectrometer with all of the features you would expect such as detector HV, pre-amp power, 80 Mhz 16 Bit sampling ADC, digital signal processing and filtering with a variety of shaping times in the PHA mode. Add to that a 64K display memory!
Now add to all of that, both USB and Ethernet communication, time stamp for each event down to 12.5 nanosecond resolution and a touch screen display on the front panel! There is no instrument on the market that can match these features. Especially since Orion is controlled by InterWinner, the most user friendly and advanced spectroscopy package on the market. Please click on the data sheet icon to view the many features too numerous to list here.
The Orion is available in desktop package as described above or in a NIM style package without an integral HV supply or touch screen display.
Venus digital spectrometer
Die Venus ist ein digitales Spektrometer, das direkt mit dem Photomultiplier eines NAI-, CsI-, Lanthanbromid- oder anderen Szintillationsdetektors verbunden ist . Es umfasst die Hochspannungsversorgung für Spannungen bis 2000 V, den Vorverstärker, einen 65-MHz-Abtast-ADC und digitale Signalverarbeitung.
Die Venus kommuniziert mit dem Computer über eine USB 2.0-Hochgeschwindigkeitsverbindung (480 MBit/s). Die Stromversorgung erfolgt vollständig über den USB-Bus.

Venus/E digital spectrometer
The Venus is a digital spectrometer which is connected directly to photomultiplier of an NAI, CsI, Lanthanum Bromide or other scintillation detector. It includes the high voltage power supply for voltages up to 2000 V, the preamplifier, an 65MHz sampling ADC and digital signal processing.
The Venus communicates with the computer over a high speed (480 Mbits/s) USB 2.0 connection. It is entirely powered over the USB bus.
Itech Instrument’s quadADC is a versatile and modern high performance combination of ADC and MCA. The double NIM width module includes front panel inputs, gates, and busy outputs. The rear panel has connections for more gates and I/O options. The quadADC can network via Ethernet or USB. A 0-1vdc input from any standard or research grade spectroscopy amplifier is all that is required.
The quadADC can be configured with 1,2,3 or 4 channels and can network with other quadADC modules, all controlled by a single PC. Operating with InterWinner, the quadADC supports all of the functions you would expect from a high performance package and also includes list and multi-spectral scaling modes.
Perhaps the most unique feature is Itech’s program to allow for upgrade of exisiting quadADC’s to add another channel to the box for a reduced price. The quadADC is the right choice for professional labs that look to collect high quality data and expand to meet future needs.
The standard quadADC has 16K channels The quadADC-N models are available at reduced costs for NaI, silicon or other devices requiring no more than 2K spectra.